Exciting Changes Are Ahead! 

Our brand is evolving to reflect our growing mission. Stay tuned for the big reveal this spring!


The War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has been called the most perilous security crisis on the European continent since World War II.  How are your students processing the constant images, news, and threats?


Living Unified

Unity is a conversation and topic that becomes vital to the conversation of racial justice. How do we live lives that reflect the hope and desires of justice?


Safety in Youth Ministry

Youth ministry has a bit of a rogue mentality. But doing youth ministry well, means doing it safely. How safe is your youth ministry?


“The Hill We Climb” – Youth Ministry Activity Guide

The Hill We Climb is a disorientation experience that will allow youth and adults to dive into conversation around what it looks like to be the light in the midst of darkness.


Theology Together: A Social Justice Conversation For Youth

The journey we’re inviting you on is one of reading, thinking, pondering, and discussing a theological text together with others. This theological reading will come from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s  Letter from Birmingham jail.


Understanding Your COVID-19 Context: Community Interviews

Once you know people’s challenges, you’ll have a better idea of how to develop ministry that actually addresses those problems and pains in profound ways. This two-step interview guide will help you accomplish this task.


See More of Our Resources in Our Store!

Do you know what it takes to be a professional youth minister?

CYMT equips youth ministers and churches with ongoing resources to help build strong youth ministries.

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