Exciting Changes Are Ahead! 

Our brand is evolving to reflect our growing mission. Stay tuned for the big reveal this spring!

Safety in Youth Ministry


Youth ministry has–for good reason–a bit of a rogue mentality. We are not afraid of pushing boundaries, of potentially upsetting church boards or committees–especially if it helps move forward the work of teen discipleship. But doing youth ministry well, means doing it safely. How safe is your youth ministry? The following download, which is one of our Graduate Residency Milestones for starting out right in youth ministry, will help you evaluate you and your youth ministry team.


Youth ministry has–for good reason–a bit of a rogue mentality. We are not afraid of pushing boundaries, of potentially upsetting church boards or committees–especially if it helps move forward the work of teen discipleship. But doing youth ministry well, means doing it safely. How safe is your youth ministry? The following download, which is one of our Graduate Residency Milestones for starting out right in youth ministry, will help you evaluate you and your youth ministry team.