Exciting Changes Are Ahead! 

Our brand is evolving to reflect our growing mission. Stay tuned for the big reveal this spring!

Ministry Residency

Grow into the minister God called YOU to be.

Our unique Ministry Residency is designed to specifically address the needs of ministry leaders by providing a job, education, one-on-one coaching, and practical job training – leading to informed and confident youth, children, and community ministers who are equipped to lead and invest in young people's lives and their communities.

How the Ministry Residency can help YOU!

Find the Right Job

to minister to young people

Finding the right job can be challenging! The job turnover rate in youth ministry is high. CYMT can help you find more joy in your work by finding a job that fits your desired location, theology, and qualifications.

Training & Education

to prepare YOU for ministry

Only 1 in 7 of those serving in children’s and youth ministry have theological or practical training. The Ministry Residency program is designed to fully equip today’s professional minister. Receive practical training, theological education, and coaching from CYMT so you can significantly impact young people’s lives.

Support YOUR Call

for the long haul

Ministry is hard and can be lonely. Join a community of leaders committed to learning, growing in their faith, and supporting each other. CYMT will surround YOU with everything you need to grow into your call.

How it works: comprehensive training, theological education, and holistic support

Step #1 – CYMT helps you find the RIGHT job!

When you are accepted to the Ministry Residency program, CYMT staff come alongside you to help you find the right ministry job. Our staff will help you develop a strong resume and cover letter. They will guide you through using the Ministry App to apply for jobs you are interested in and advocate for you with our partner ministries. CYMT will help you negotiate a salary package that pays for you to complete the Ministry Residency’s Graduate or Certificate program. If you don’t see a job in the Ministry App that meets your needs, then CYMT will help you search for one that does.

Two programs to meet your needs

CYMT has two educational programs that, combined with our Ministry Residency's holistic approach, fully equip YOU for ministry. Whether you want to go to seminary and earn a Master's degree or would prefer our Certificate Program, you will be provided both practical and theological training for ministry.

#2 – Choose the Graduate or Certificate Program

Graduate Residency

All Graduate Residents earn their Master of Arts in Youth Ministry (MAYM) through Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (APTS). Graduate Residents attend Austin seminary through our hybrid classroom model. Through this model, Graduate Residents are not confined to a classroom daily like traditional seminary but instead attend Academic Intensives.


  • Job Search – Coaching & Support
  • 3-Year – Master of Arts in Youth Ministry
  • Weekly Professional Coaching
  • Residency Fees are paid through a service agreement as part of your salary
  • Fees cover tuition and room & board on intensives

To earn a Master of Divinity (MDIV), you can continue your studies at APTS and earn dual degrees.


Certificate Residents participate in the Ministry Leadership Instructional Cohort Program, a two-year youth and children’s ministry course of study that develops authentic, intentional, proficient, and theologically informed ministers, church staff, and lay leaders who serve in various congregational settings. The program is designed to pair monthly learning opportunities with follow-up coaching conversations, so newly instructed material will be immediately applied in each ministry setting.  Learning opportunities alternate between in-person gatherings in Kansas City and online meetings.


  • Job Search – Coaching & Support
  • 2 Year – Certificate program that includes both practical training, and theological and Biblical education
  • Monthly Professional Coaching
  • A Cohort of 10+ children and youth ministers to learn from

New Cohorts begin every January and August.

Graduate Residency

All Graduate Residents earn their Master of Arts in Youth Ministry (MAYM) through Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (APTS). Graduate Residents attend Austin seminary through our hybrid classroom model. Through this model, Graduate Residents are not confined to a classroom daily like traditional seminary but instead attend Academic Intensives.


  • Job Search – Coaching & Support
  • 3-Year – Master of Arts in Youth Ministry
  • Weekly Professional Coaching
  • Residency Fees are paid through a service agreement as part of your salary
  • Fees cover tuition and room & board on intensives

To earn a Master of Divinity (MDIV), you can continue your studies at APTS and earn dual degrees.


Certificate Residents participate in the Ministry Leadership Instructional Cohort Program, a two-year youth and children’s ministry course of study that develops authentic, intentional, proficient, and theologically informed ministers, church staff, and lay leaders who serve in various congregational settings. The program is designed to pair monthly learning opportunities with follow-up coaching conversations, so newly instructed material will be immediately applied in each ministry setting.  Learning opportunities alternate between in-person gatherings in Kansas City and online meetings.


  • Job Search – Coaching & Support
  • 2 Year – Certificate program that includes both practical training, and theological and Biblical education
  • Monthly Professional Coaching
  • A Cohort of 10+ children and youth ministers to learn from

New Cohorts begin every January and August.

Surround yourself with EVERYTHING you need to grow!

At CYMT, we know that knowledge gained in the classroom is only helpful if it can be applied to your ministry. We know you learn by doing ministry rather than just thinking about it. We know that you need culturally competent coaching and support for your ministry context to succeed. We know burnout is avoidable when a community of other ministers supports you! Our holistic approach in the Ministry Residency surrounds you with everything you need to grow into the minister God has called you to be!

Our 4 C’s support YOUR call!


Gain the biblical and theological expertise you need to design and engage young people to develop a deep, life-changing Christian faith. Receive training and education that equips you specifically for working with young people. Everything you learn in the classroom will influence what happens in your ministry.


Join a family of passionate children, youth, and family ministers.  Your classmates will support and walk alongside you during the Ministry Residency and beyond. Gain depth and richness to your learning as you experience your peers’ multiple, diverse perspectives.


Receive consistent, personalized coaching from a CYMT-trained veteran minister. Your coach will help you develop your ministry skills, challenge you to grow, and hold you accountable while supporting you. They will help you manage the day-to-day challenges of ministry.


Receive the spiritual and pastoral support you need to live and lead effectively.  Learn how to fill your tank so you are not serving on empty. CYMT knows that ministry is challenging, so we want to teach you self-care so you can stay in ministry for the long haul.

Which of these best describes your call?

Youth Ministry

Youth ministry is an investment in the lives of young people. It is an avenue for teenagers to experience the love of Jesus Christ, be formed in faith, and serve God. Youth Ministry creates Christian community, safe spaces, and an environment for spiritual growth and development.

Family Ministry

Family Ministry supports the primary place of discipleship – the home. Invest your life in supporting parents as they model and encourage their children’s faith journey. Learn to build programs that support their efforts.

Community Ministry

Community Ministry is the work of youth and family ministry in communities where children, youth, and families are most vulnerable. Community Ministry happens in local non-profits and churches seeking to meet children and youth’s physical, educational, and spiritual needs. Community ministry creates safe spaces for development and spiritual growth.

Campus Ministry

Campus ministry is an investment in the lives of young adults. College is a time of growing and stretching. It is a time when a young adult’s beliefs are challenged. Do you want to use your gifts to help college students discover and own their faith for themselves? Campus Ministry provides a “home” and church during these critical years of spiritual growth and development.

Have Questions?

Nick Guerra

Admissions & Services Director

Nick is an alumni of CYMT. He served at Heartsong UMC, serving youth and families in different roles, for 11 years. Nick felt a call to ministry while receiving degree in Sociology from the University of Memphis. While there, he became passionate about helping people find the sweet spot where their passions and what God is already up to in the world intersect. Where he found this for himself was youth ministry. Nick oversees the Ministry Residency admissions process, orientation, and provide support for Residents throughout their CYMT journey.