Youth and Children’s Director (Part-time) – Cape Coral, FL
Cape Coral
Job Type: Part-Time
Residency: Open to Resident
Ministry: Youth (12-18)
Denomination: Presbyterian (PCUSA)
Theology / Inclusivity: Full Inclusion (Marriage & Ordination)
Church Description:
Faith Presbyterian Church,
Cape Coral, Florida
Job Description: Children and Youth Ministry Director
Purpose of the Position:
The Children and Youth Ministry Director is a part-time ministry position with responsibility for
leading, developing and reaching out to children and youth from birth through 12 th grade. This
person will promote and oversee all aspects of the spiritual formation of children and youth. The
Children and Youth Ministry Director shall introduce, instruct and nurture children and youth in
their Christian faith and in life, through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship and service. This
person shall build good relationships with students, parents, teachers and church leaders to
strengthen the students’ commitment to the Church and to Jesus Christ.
Attributes of all Staff Members:
A commitment to one’s faith and God’s call to serve
A commitment to Faith Presbyterian Church’s mission and core values
Christ-like compassion, humility and integrity
A willingness to think, speak and act with courage
A genuine respect for differences
A friendly, invitational, and welcoming spirit
A positive, can-do attitude
A passion for one’s work
A desire to perfect one’s craft
A collaborative team approach to working
A respect for open, honest, and inclusive communication
The ability to maintain confidentiality
Flexibility, adaptability and dependability
A light-hearted spirit and a joyous sense of humor
Commitment of faith in Jesus Christ demonstrated through word and action
Active member/participant in a Christian Church
A degree or background in a relevant field of study
Deep genuine love for children and youth and a passion to impact their spiritual growth
Strong written and verbal skills
Ability to recruit, organize and motivate volunteers
Good organizational, teaching and technology skills
Develop, run and oversee a comprehensive ministry to children and youth to include
Sunday School, a weeknight activity and seasonal/special events
Work with the Christian Education Committee and volunteers to assist with programs
and classes
Communicate and publish all activities through bulletins, Faith Forum and social media,
as needed
Actively seek to recruit children, youth and young families through Church supported
activities in the community
Maintain regular communications with parents and congregation
Organize annual youth mission trip
Attend Christian Education meetings
Identify, encourage and facilitate opportunities for children and youth to participate in
Ensure the safety of all children and youth and ensure the completion of background
checks for all youth ministry volunteers prior to their participation
The Children and Youth Ministry Director will be responsible to the Pastor for everyday matters,
church policy, and annual review, together with the Personnel Committee. The Session has final
authority on all matters related to church policy and staffing. This is an “at will” position and
either party may conclude employment at any time with or without cause, usually with 30 days’
Hours: 20 hours per week
Vacation dates to be approved by Pastor with at least a week’s notice.
A yearly review will be carried out by the Pastor and a member of Personnel Committee.