The Center for Youth Ministry Training’s Graduate Residency jumped back into full swing August 5-8, 2014, with our New Resident Orientation and first academic retreat of the year. This retreat laid the foundation for our community and training for the rest of the year. We want to give our partner churches some insight into what we did on retreat and orient you to the CYMT program as well.
What did we do?
There are three primary components to the CYMT Orientation Retreat each year:
- First Year Graduate Residency Orientation
- Community Building
- Classes
15 new graduate residents and partner churches joined us this fall which is our largest incoming class. Our first year graduate residents spent time getting to know each other and sharing their stories of how God brought them to this time and place as they start their journey together. Additionally, the new first year residents were oriented to the CYMT Graduate Resident Policy and Procedure Manual, including child protection policies. We highly encourage each pastor and onsite supervisor to review our policies and procedures manual so that we are all on the same page. First year graduate residents were also oriented to the Memphis Theological Seminary faculty, staff, and campus.
One of the unique aspects of the CYMT program is our community of now 37 graduate residents, six staff, and 17 coaches all focused on youth ministry. During orientation our community focused on welcoming the first year graduate residents to the family. We ate, played, and worshiped together. Our group stayed at the John Meeks Retreat Center in Memphis.
Before you think we will spent all our time having fun getting to know each other, classes take up the majority of all retreats. Residents spend eight hours each day in intensive coursework. Each course covers one-third of a semester’s material on each of our retreats. You can learn more about this fall’s courses here; if you would like to see all the courses residents will take over their three years, click here to see the MA in YM overview.
Academic Calendar
Below you can find a list of our 2013-2014 academic retreats. These retreats are required for all residents.
Fall 2014
Note: All four retreats are required this Fall
August 5-8, 2014 (Orientation and Fall Retreat 1)
September 18-20, 2014 (Fall Retreat 2)
November 6-8, 2014 (Youth Ministry Summit/Fall Retreat 3)
December 4-6, 2014 (Fall Retreat 4)
Spring 2015
January 21-24, 2015 (Spring Retreat 1)
March 12-14, 2015 (Spring Retreat 2)
April 23-25, 2015 (Spring Retreat 3)
May 7-8, 2015 UM American History Retreat 4
May 8-9, 2015 Spring Contemporary Issues in YM Course (Elective)
People You Should Know:
First year churches, we hope you are getting to know your coach. You can find a list of all our coaches here. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need something. General questions can be directed to Julia Wilburn ( who will make sure you get the information you need, or call us at 615.823.7595.